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Djamillio I

Hey there! This is just a simple site to showcase who I am, what I do, and what I like to do. 


Innovation Accelaration

"Innovation Acceleration (IA)" – a motto born from my journey in the innovation and VC industry, further defined through AI. I use the IA next to my name as a pledge to support the tech ecosystem with my work.


I connect startups with organisations by embracing open innovation to drive technological, societal, and environmental advancements. I do this through market research and strategy consulting. AI is a topic I am building my expertise on to help companies with their digital and AI transformation.


I dedicate my time to supporting startups and contributing to their acceleration. I do this through mentoring startups or connecting organisations with opportunities through venture clienting. By leveraging AI, I also provide custom tools for automation, content creation, and analytics, accelerating growth and making advanced capabilities accessible to all.

About me

Djamillio Heij: Your favorite tech explorer

I am a consultant passionate about driving innovation and connecting global tech ecosystems. I specialise in open innovation, digital strategy, and entrepreneurship, building tailored solutions that optimise processes and create impactful results.


My journey spans international experiences in the Latam and African ecosystems. I thrive on forging meaningful connections between diverse startup communities. By supporting and connecting startups and organisations, I am dedicated to fostering collaboration and acceleration in the tech world.


Always eager to explore new opportunities and share insights, so let’s connect and create something together.  

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My Work

Anything you might know me from?


I've developed custom chatbots, such as a GPT-creation bot, and I am currently developing a bot to teach Sranangtongo, a language spoken in Suriname. I specialise in building chatbots and custom agents that help companies become more efficient and effective.


Your feedback and suggestions for new builds are welcome. Like seriously- I love the practice.


I work as a Research Analyst at TNW Programs, studying the latest tech trends, analysing market data, and providing insights that drive open innovation. My work is crucial in making strategic decisions and fostering growth within the startup and tech ecosystem. 


At TNW, I am working with multinationals based in Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Americas and governmental organizations within the Netherlands.


The beginning of my entrepreneurial journey. I acted as a mediator between startups and VCs, allowing me to engage with various startup ecosystems in Africa, Europe, and Latin America.


I had the opportunity to work with at least 20 different startups and assess over 50 iterations of pitch decks while assisting them in securing investments or accelarating their growth.


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